One of the biggest selling points when it comes to live webcams is the personal interaction. Being able to flirt with cute girls who don’t reject you is a great feeling. Guys with low self esteem can sex chat with chicks that would normally be totally out of their league. I’ll admit that I’ve used cam girls to boost my confidence when I’ve been rejected in my personal life. It’s a nice band aid until I can get back in the saddle so to speak.
Some of these girls are very good at making men feel liked and wanted. After all, that’s a huge part of their job. There are quite a few guys who are extremely gullible though. They start thinking that the model is really into them. I have even seen this happen with friends of mine. Here’s the hard truth guys, she’s not into you. She is into the money you spend on her. Unless you are rich and can prove it, she isn’t going to want to be your real girlfriend. She will strip, she will masturbate, she will pant out your name as her body trembles with orgasm, but she will not marry you.
If you want to have a good time with a hot babe, and can keep your head clear, knowing it’s all about the transaction, chat with Foxy_slut here. She will make sure to earn every penny.